1656 itunes error

1656 itunes error
"Armilla ingrata" (A.Falconieri 1585/6.
Error 1656 on restoring iPhone 4
1656 itunes error
Error Number 0X8ddd000f 404 ErrorWhenever I try to restore my iPhone 4, error code 1656 will appear. I am not able to remove it even after updating iTunes and restarting PC. How can I

"Armilla ingrata" (A.Falconieri 1585/6.
The all new 1656 decanter. Developed by G-Tech HilTech.
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Dear friend, you can recover from the errror code 1656 by following some steps : if you are using MAC then : 1. initially open the finder. 2. now hold down command
stiabhan Posts: 114 Joined: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:16 pm
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